Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why Ad Libbia?

Ad lib, the term for speaking or performing without previous preparation, was originally ad libitum meaning, in Latin, ‘according to pleasure,’ which suits our blog quite well, as we intend to blog about anything and all sorts of things; whatever pleases us. Ad Libbia, the actual name, was something we derived from the Latin words years ago.

It was a world were anything could be that we wanted. It was the place where most of our imaginative games were played. When we built “dragons” with Legos they lived in Ad Libbia. When we played the game uncreatively called “Little Men,” King Herod and Queen Madame Gasket of the Purple Thrones ruled plastic subjects that lived in a country called Ad Libbia. It was the place were there were gold pieces as big as bicycle wheels and we could ride igaunodons, ostriches or leopards. We could fight World War 3 with Civil War muskets and broomsticks on the top bunk. In Ad Libbia we only outlawed things that were too “weird.”

And you are asking, “What’s the point?”

Perhaps all these childish games are meaningless to you, but for us they are the grandest of childhood memories and the funnest of times. Even more importantly, though, than the pleasures we had were the relationships the four of us were building.

Relationships are really wonderful things, especially our sibling relationships that we have built (and are still building). One thing we have been studying is that relationships, all of the many ones we will have in our lifetimes, are to be God honoring. Everything we do needs to be for the honor and glory of God and His Son Jesus Christ. These truths we are miles from fully implementing but it is what we desire.

We desire to honor and glorify God with this blog. We want every post to be made with a God consciousness. We want to encourage others and entertain; we want to present truth and we want to help people think deeply. We want people who read to grow in their most important relationship of all, their relationship with God.

As we blog together, and we each grow in our own relationship with God, hopefully we will grow in our relationships together that we built when we played Ad Libbia.

(In all honesty we still play Ad Libbia and enjoy it very much. : )


Sable Sanders said...

So glad ya'll have a blog! Can't wait to see what all ya'll will write, and thanks for telling us what Ad Libbia was! I had heard ya'll mention it before but never really knew what it meant.
Sable :)

Laura said...

You are very welcome.
Thanks for commenting. : )

Laura said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey y'all! This is great!!! We definitly will keep up with your posting - Thanks for sending us the link!

We love yoooooo ;D !


-Megan and Whitney

Anonymous said...

Which ever one of you wrote this post should, like, TOTALLY write a book!! You have GOT a way with words!!

Laura said...

Thanks :-) It was Laura who wrote it though.