Thursday, January 14, 2010

Anna's first post

Okay! this is my first blog post, ever! I think I'm supposed to say some thing about myself. Well right now I'm hungry. I'm also a blonde, and I don't laugh very hard at jokes, though I do get most of them, they just don't seem that funny to me. At times I can be concrete, (if you don't know what that is don't worry about it). I'm a wet blanket and a mother hen. :] I don't talk all that much. Daddy says when I'm quite, I'm usually thinking about something. One day I was thinking about that, I decided that that also meant when I was talking, I wasn't thinking about much! =^)
That could very easily true.
I have habits of watching people and how they act. I'd rather make someone laugh than cry. I'm am very bad when it comes to writing fiction, it's very predictable, especially the long stories, the short ones are better (I think) but I don't intend to give up any time soon. I like playing with my little brothers, and messin' around with my big sister. I like to read, and draw, and do other artsy things. I also play the piano, and really enjoy it too. I like football, but not basketball all that much, and I don't know that much about baseball.
I am very content. =)


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