Thursday, January 28, 2010

Precious Life

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise

you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it

very well." Psalm 139:13,14

I found this facinating, even though it is rather horrible:
"In general, abortion providers have censored their own emotional trauma out of concern to protect abortion rights. In 2008, however, abortionist Lisa Harris endeavored to begin “breaking the silence” in the pages of the journal Reproductive Health Matters. When she herself was 18 weeks pregnant, Dr. Harris performed a D&E abortion on an 18-week-old fetus. Harris felt her own child kick precisely at the moment that she ripped a fetal leg off with her forceps:
"Instantly, tears were streaming from my eyes—without me—meaning my conscious brain—even being aware of what was going on. I felt as if my response had come entirely from my body, bypassing my usual cognitive processing completely. A message seemed to travel from my hand and my uterus to my tear ducts. It was an overwhelming feeling—a brutally visceral response—heartfelt and unmediated by my training or my feminist pro-choice politics. It was one of the more raw moments in my life."
This is but a sampling of the stories in the article "Mugged by Ultrasound: Why so many abortion workers have turned pro-life." I would highly recommend reading it. Though Ms. Harris remained an abortion doctor many others in this article left their positions at abortion clinics. You can also read Dr. Mohler's response to the article.
There has also been a bit of a controversy over Tim Tebow's Super Bowl commercial that reportedly has a very pro-life message. Some women's rights groups are saying it will cause abortion doctors to be shot and so on. The funny thing is the bigger deal they make about it the more people will want to see it when it gets put on Youtube after it airs. So they are more or less making it worse for themselves.
The sanctity of even the smallest life has been important to me ever since I was really old enough to understand it, and it should be important to any Christian. Life is a gift from God and a most beautiful thing, never to be thrown away. No matter what life it is, it is precious. No matter how old or young, or even how useless or burdensome it seems to be, life is precious.
And this most precious thing called life is what Christ gave to ransom us from sin and death and give us true life.


(Special thanks to Mama and Daddy for discussing these things with me. : )

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Delicious Easy Buttermilk Rolls

I have made this recipe twice this week, once as rolls and once as po-boy buns (you can also make hamburger buns with it). It is delicious and super easy. The recipe came from a dear lady in our church (see her blog here). We made them for lunch at church last week and they were a big hit. : )

1 tbs. yeast

1/8 c. honey

3/4 c. buttermilk (lukewarm) *

1/4 c. melted butter

2 1/2 c. flour

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. baking soda

Place yeast in a bowl. Add honey and while stirring, add buttermilk. Stir until yeast is dissolved. Stir in butter; mix well with a spoon. Mix in 1 1/4 cups flour, baking soda and salt. Beat well with spoon, cover and let rise about 25 minutes. Punch down and add remaining flour. Beat well. (I had to use my hands at this point to work in all the flour.) Cover and let rise about 30 minutes. Punch down. Divide into 12 rolls. Allow to rise 10 minutes. Bake at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes. Enjoy!

*I don’t keep buttermilk on hand so I make it when I need

it by placing 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar in a

cup and finish fillling with milk. Let it sit about 5 minutes.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

This Poem I Wrote


The Spaniards came looking for gold and for treasure

To bring their kings mountains and mountains of pleasure.

Others came to spread Catholicism,

And places they went, it grew some.

Some French came for a lot of the same reasons,

They found animals to trap in all different seasons.

Others came searching for the Northwest Passage,

And found people and weather can be rather savage.

The pilgrims were looking for a place for free worship,

And what they found, was a place, far from Europe-

A place to live with their children and wives,

Here, where freedom thrives.

Anna =]

The Blessed

Mt 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

Mt 5:7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

Mt 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Mt 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Caleb's New Doo

i found it out last night :-P


Sunday, January 17, 2010


Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity,

peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

2 Timothy 2:22

As my fabulous siblings have previosly stated first blog posts require a great amount of deliberation. After much of it this week I thought I wanted to address purity but as I cogitated over the subject I felt my ineptness, so I shall post this lovely song that addresses it.

Purify my heart

Let me be as gold

And precious silver

Purify my heart

Let me be as gold

Pure gold

Refiner's fire

My heart's one desire

Is to be holy

Set apart for You, Lord

I choose to be holy

Set apart for You, my Master

Ready to do Your will

Purify my heart

Cleanse me from within

And make me holy

Purify my heart

Cleanse me from my sin

Deep within.

I remeber one of the first times I heard this song, I was merely standing with another young woman listening to the song and she said, “This is good.” I smiled not seeing nor grasping the magnitude of meaning this prayer contained. Now I can say this song is my prayer, as well.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Anna's first post

Okay! this is my first blog post, ever! I think I'm supposed to say some thing about myself. Well right now I'm hungry. I'm also a blonde, and I don't laugh very hard at jokes, though I do get most of them, they just don't seem that funny to me. At times I can be concrete, (if you don't know what that is don't worry about it). I'm a wet blanket and a mother hen. :] I don't talk all that much. Daddy says when I'm quite, I'm usually thinking about something. One day I was thinking about that, I decided that that also meant when I was talking, I wasn't thinking about much! =^)
That could very easily true.
I have habits of watching people and how they act. I'd rather make someone laugh than cry. I'm am very bad when it comes to writing fiction, it's very predictable, especially the long stories, the short ones are better (I think) but I don't intend to give up any time soon. I like playing with my little brothers, and messin' around with my big sister. I like to read, and draw, and do other artsy things. I also play the piano, and really enjoy it too. I like football, but not basketball all that much, and I don't know that much about baseball.
I am very content. =)


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Luke's first post

This is my first post. I have thought a good bit about my first post, but now that I'm here I don't now what I'll post. I guess I'll tell you about what I've been doing lately. I've been getting my school-work done and going outside to play. I've been playing Ijun (or to those of you who can't read southern, Indian). I really enjoy the woods to those of you who don't know me. I dream of being a trapper and hunter, but at the moment I don't even own a pellet-gun, much less a deer rifle. But I am content. Luke

Why Ad Libbia?

Ad lib, the term for speaking or performing without previous preparation, was originally ad libitum meaning, in Latin, ‘according to pleasure,’ which suits our blog quite well, as we intend to blog about anything and all sorts of things; whatever pleases us. Ad Libbia, the actual name, was something we derived from the Latin words years ago.

It was a world were anything could be that we wanted. It was the place where most of our imaginative games were played. When we built “dragons” with Legos they lived in Ad Libbia. When we played the game uncreatively called “Little Men,” King Herod and Queen Madame Gasket of the Purple Thrones ruled plastic subjects that lived in a country called Ad Libbia. It was the place were there were gold pieces as big as bicycle wheels and we could ride igaunodons, ostriches or leopards. We could fight World War 3 with Civil War muskets and broomsticks on the top bunk. In Ad Libbia we only outlawed things that were too “weird.”

And you are asking, “What’s the point?”

Perhaps all these childish games are meaningless to you, but for us they are the grandest of childhood memories and the funnest of times. Even more importantly, though, than the pleasures we had were the relationships the four of us were building.

Relationships are really wonderful things, especially our sibling relationships that we have built (and are still building). One thing we have been studying is that relationships, all of the many ones we will have in our lifetimes, are to be God honoring. Everything we do needs to be for the honor and glory of God and His Son Jesus Christ. These truths we are miles from fully implementing but it is what we desire.

We desire to honor and glorify God with this blog. We want every post to be made with a God consciousness. We want to encourage others and entertain; we want to present truth and we want to help people think deeply. We want people who read to grow in their most important relationship of all, their relationship with God.

As we blog together, and we each grow in our own relationship with God, hopefully we will grow in our relationships together that we built when we played Ad Libbia.

(In all honesty we still play Ad Libbia and enjoy it very much. : )

Sunday, January 10, 2010

First Post

This is the very first post on our new blog, Ad Libbia.
We are now bloggers.