Thursday, March 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Anna!

Today is Anna's birthday. I have been Democratically selected to make this blog post. I like using big words like "Democratically" to make myself feel older. Why I said all of the above is because Anna (like Daddy) is a people watcher. If you have know her for a long time (like all my life) she will point it out to you, and most of the time, she's right. It gets really annoying knowing and not knowing she is "Reading you like book" because sometimes it's like she is literally "Reading you like a book". I love her though and I don't know what I would do without her. She listens to my jokes, laughs if they're good, and gives me the "look" when its bad. Now, decode the following message:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Anna!!! (late :( )

Hmm, is the code for Anna, or for readers? 'Cause I don't think I know this one... If it had been the (Oh my goodness! I can't remember the name!!! Think, think, think... Shucks! Anyway...) book about Percival Drummond Sherwood OH! Thought of it!!! The Sherwood Ring! HA! Yay!
Ok, sorry.
If it had been the code from The Sherwood Ring, I'd have been able to decipher it ;D !

Love y'all!

