Saturday, March 13, 2010


I love it when spring gets here. It's like an explosion and every morning you can wake up and look out side and see something new popping out. Like peach blooms (I think that's one of my favorite flowers) and green grass and dafodills and the most beautiful blue sky ya ever saw!

Oh! and spring fever! You know that there are to kind of spring fever? The first is where you want to go out side and do a cartwheel or some thin. And the second is where you really don't want to do much out of doors. (I have the first kind :) The second might better be called summer fever because your more likely to get it in the summer when there's corn to be picked or potatoes to be dug and it's so hot out side that your not supposed to stay out for more than an hour or so because you could get way to hot and something bad could happen. That's when it's nice to stay in side and read or shell peas and listen to a book, or watch Lassie :) . As Caleb would say "I have some fond memories of doing that" though he lot's of times uses it in the wrong way like he'll say something like "I have a very fond memory of that fight with Luke." (: He's sooo cute:) I think he thinks fond means detailed or well remembered.

So any way here are some pictures I took of blooming thing around the yard!

Dandy kept getting up in my face and trying to get my attention

A Daffodil

I know she ani't a flower but she sure is cute :-)

Some Narcissi

Peach Blooms

Some Camellias I picked

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