Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cookies and Kittens

Today I made No-Bake Cookies: incredibly easy, made with ingredients we almost always have and delicious. We have made them for as long as I can remember and more recently Anna or I have taken over making then whenever we want some. We will throw them together for company, church meetings or just for ourselves.

No-Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
2 Cups Sugar
1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
1/2 cup milk
3 tablespoons cocoa
Heat these first four ingredients on the stove on medium heat until they boil. Cook for two minutes. I stir them almost constantly. Remove from heat an add:
3 cups quick oats
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup peanut butter
Mix it well and use a tablespoon to spoon cookies out onto wax paper and let them harden. They will harden faster if you refrigerate them a little bit, we even store them in the refrigerator. I was able to make 42 cookies but you could make more or less depending on if you used bigger or smaller spoon fulls. Enjoy!

And they're great to feed to brothers and a cousin fresh from the pool. : )

And I felt I must add a couple of pictures of our darling kittens.

We call this one Prince William of Orange.

We call this one Luther.
We have three other kittens, too.



Anonymous said...

Hey! Where'd you get kittens?!
Thanks for the recipe, we'll try to try it sometime! :)
Love y'all!



Laura said...

The kittens are the "children" of Dandy and the stray Calico. I think your mother wants at least one. : )


Anonymous said...

I would like Prince William if daisy doesn't have a orange one (this is Gracie)