Monday, June 14, 2010

Our Woods (and how we name them)

This is a picture of a creek in our area but it's not on our property.

Standing in the dewy grass in the hour just ‘fore dawn

Picturing in my head, talking horse and dog and fawn --

“Say! I’ve an idea; let’s call it Dancing Lawn.”

Heading through the woods hearing the others’ footfalls

We come upon a waterfall and one of us recalls,

“Hey! This mud feels like ice cream; lets call it Frosty Falls.”

Exploring in the woods we come to a trail split.

“We’ll go this way, y'all go that.” Did those boys have a fit!

We called ours New Found Hope. They gave up and quit.

Going round the pond, not one of us feeling sober,

At the far end we stop; there were six of us in number.

We launched pine cones into the water. Thus it’s called, Pearl Harbor.



Anonymous said...

This is /GREAT/!! :D (You forgot to sign your name though - ;) )
Is the picture from when the Homeschool Group went to the creek on Mr. Archie's land?

Love y'all!



Laura said...

Thanks! It was Anna who wrote the peom. And yes that's where the picture came from. :-)

Want to see you soon!

Missylou said...

Beautiful poem Miss Anna!